Green Fingers project part I “Micro-vegetable gardens”
Projekt mikro-warzywniki obiera za cel edukację dzieci w zakresie rozwoju zainteresowań
zrównoważonym stylem życia, domową produkcją żywności w mikro-uprawach, recyklingiem, ochroną
środowiska, odzysku wody, wytwarzaniem energii elektrycznej oraz uprawą roślin jadalnianych i
Green Fingers project part II “Suburban vegetable garden”
The aim of the “Suburban vegetable garden” project is to show children and youth living in cities, how natural processes take place in their natural surroundings, what are the challenges associated with the cultivation of edible plants and how satisfying it is to produce food even for one’s own needs.
Zero Waste project – Reduce your environmental footprint
An educational project aimed at building instruments that promote and support pro-ecological attitudes.
Based on 4 pillars: buy what you need, use it repeatedly, don’t throw it away, just repair it and learn to remake, manufacture and recycle.
4 Elements hotel brand
The concept of a hotel brand created in opposition to the fast-paced, loud, highly emissive and invasive world. The brand has been created in accordance with the new idea of sustainable, environmentally friendly and tailored to the needs of various personalities hotels in four standards.
Folks&Patterns project
The already established Association will promote regional culture, in particular design, including industrial design, and will also protect the copyrights of folk artists. The aim of the Association is to use cultural identity in modern design and to promote cultural diversity as a response to the processes of globalisation.
Environmental application project
The project was created to implement the policy of environmental education and to promote attitudes consistent with a sustainable lifestyle, ecology and the idea of Zero Waste. The original idea of the application is combined with an innovative approach based on the digitization of society and the power of social media.
The project was created to support digital transformation in agriculture and build good practices in the digitization of the agricultural sector. It assumes, among others, creating a platform for dialogue between the participants of the agricultural sector on the social, legal and business aspects and solutions of agricultural data management.
The idea of the project is to create instruments for the use of collected agricultural data and to help and advise farmers in building the value of the farm through data management. As part of the project, a number of solutions have been prepared that will help regulate these areas in the process of legislative changes. (PDF)
Solar application project
The concept of an application dedicated to prosumers as a tool supporting the verification of the compliance of the electricity they produce with national and European standards. One of the main assumptions of the application is the control function of the correct energy measurement.